Where are the Dentists in Oakcliff, TX ?


The map today shows the geographic location of dentists currently practicing in the Dallas, TX area. In the process of conducting our GIS research, we noticed some areas that were heavily populated with oral health services as well as areas that are likely experiencing disparities in oral health care.

To bring awareness to the current health conditions in low-income areas in South-Dallas such as Oakcliff and other communities, the Oral Health Needs Index (OHNI) made an easy-to-access, oral health focused, Geographic Information System (GIS) based tool that allows people to find services based on their environment and resources.

Identifying dental providers who accept Medicaid/Medicare and forms of dental insurance in areas of low socioeconomic status can be difficult but it also essential in tackling disparities. With OHNI, users get a clear visualization of communities with lack of services. Lack of transportation and finding participating providers is a major barrier for low-income and rural populations. Identifying these barriers and how they contribute to health disparities experienced by under-served communities is important. It allows for a better understanding of ways to combat the health disparities in disadvantaged communities.

Average Fine Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) (µg/m³) By County (2011)


Check out this map that shows the average fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) (µg/m³) by county for the year 2011. From the map we can see clusters with a higher average indicated by the darker shading. For instance, we can see a cluster consisting counties within for Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas and Wyoming. It is also apparent there are higher concentrations in many Southern, Midwestern and Northeastern states compared to western states. States such as, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky predominantly have a higher average.

By Julia Watson

NHSC and NCQA Certified PCMH Sites In Tennessee


Check out this map that shows the number of National Health Service Corps (NHSC) sites in Tennessee as of 10/6/17 and the number of National Committee for Quality Assurance certified Patient Center Medical Home (PCMH) sites in Tennessee as of 1/23/18.

For more information on the Patient Centered Medical Home click here.

By Julia Watson

Rate of Chromosomal Birth Defect Cases By County Per 10,000 Live Births in Tennessee (2008 – 2012)


In recognition of National Birth Defects Prevention month check out this map of Tennessee which shows the rate of chromosomal birth defects by county per 10,000 live births by county for the state of Tennessee for the years 2008 to 2012. From the map we can see counties such as, Williamson, Johnson, Scott and Giles had a higher rate of chromosomal birth defects, ranging from 27.01 to 36.00 per 10,00 live births. Given a mothers age is a significant risk factor for certain types of chromosomal birth defects with older mothers having a higher risk it would be interesting to compare the age demographics of these counties.

By Julia Watson

Cervical Cancer Mortality Rate By County ( 2012 – 2016)


Check out this map that shows the mortality rate per 100,000 population for cervical cancer by county for the years 2012 to 2016. From the map we can see that the lighter shaded areas had a decrease in mortality while the darker shaded areas had an increase in mortality. Although cervical cancer is not the leading cause of cancer death among women [1] it is still of concern. To learn more about cervical cancer and  what The American Cancer Society recommends click here.

By Julia Watson 


Diagnosed Diabetes Incidence Rate By County 2013


Today’s map shows the incidence rate per 1,000 population of diagnosed diabetes by county for the year 2013. From the map we can see a a clearly various southern states have a higher incidence indicated by the dark shading. In contrast, we see there are lower rates of diagnosed diabetes in counties within various Western states indicated by the yellow/yellow orange shading. Interestingly, we can see a similar pattern when comparing the previous map of obesity prevalence by county for the year 2013. Why might this be?

By Julia Watson

Percent Of Veteran Enrollee By County FY2015


Most Veterans who served on active duty for at least 24 continuous months and who were released under conditions other than dishonorable are eligible to enroll in the VA for health care [1]. Check out this map that shows the percent of Veteran Enrollees by County for the Fiscal Year of 2015.

By Julia Watson

Medicare Part D Opioid Prescribing Rate by Zip code Tennessee 2014

OpiodbyZip2014 (002)

Medicare beneficiaries have the option of enrolling in Medicare Part D to get assistance with covering the cost of their prescriptions drugs. Medicare Part D is not automatically include and is available in two ways, if you have Medicare Part A or Part B. Check out this map that shows the Medicare Part D opioid prescribing rate in Tennessee for the year of 2014 at the zipcode level.

For further information regarding opioids click here.

By Julia Watson

Buprenorphine Treatment Practitioners – 2017


Check out this map that shows physicians authorized to treat opioid dependency with buprenorphine by state as of 2017. From the map we can a large clusters of practitioners providing buprenorphine treatment practice in the southern and eastern states and in western states such as California. Why might this be?

By Julia Watson

Meharry Graduating Physicians Practicing Among Health Professions Shortage Areas in Tennessee-2017


Check out this map that shows where licensed and practicing physicians that have graduated from Meharry Medical College are practicing medicine in the state of Tennessee. The map also shows health professions shortage areas (HPSAs) by county for the state of Tennessee. From the map we can see are large amount of Meharry educated physicians practicing in HPSAs such as Shelby County and Davidson County, TN.

By Michael Paul