Mapping Dentistry in Nashville, TN.

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This map shows the geographic location of dentists currently practicing in Davidson-County as well as areas that are likely experiencing disparities in oral health care.

To bring awareness to the current health conditions in low-income areas such as North-Nashville, the Oral Health Needs Index (OHNI) made an easy-to-access, oral health focused, Geographic Information System (GIS) based tool that allows people to find services based on their environment and resources.

Identifying dental providers who accept Medicaid and other public dental insurance in areas of low socioeconomic status can be difficult. With OHNI, users get a clear visualization of communities with lack of services. Lack of transportation and finding participating providers is a major barrier for low-income and rural populations. Identifying these barriers and how they contribute to health disparities experienced by under-served communities is important. It allows for a better understanding of ways to combat disparities in disadvantaged communities.

Average Fine Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) (µg/m³) By County (2011)


Check out this map that shows the average fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) (µg/m³) by county for the year 2011. From the map we can see clusters with a higher average indicated by the darker shading. For instance, we can see a cluster consisting counties within for Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas and Wyoming. It is also apparent there are higher concentrations in many Southern, Midwestern and Northeastern states compared to western states. States such as, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky predominantly have a higher average.

By Julia Watson

NHSC and NCQA Certified PCMH Sites In Tennessee


Check out this map that shows the number of National Health Service Corps (NHSC) sites in Tennessee as of 10/6/17 and the number of National Committee for Quality Assurance certified Patient Center Medical Home (PCMH) sites in Tennessee as of 1/23/18.

For more information on the Patient Centered Medical Home click here.

By Julia Watson

Medicare Part D Opioid Prescribing Rate by Zip code Tennessee 2014

OpiodbyZip2014 (002)

Medicare beneficiaries have the option of enrolling in Medicare Part D to get assistance with covering the cost of their prescriptions drugs. Medicare Part D is not automatically include and is available in two ways, if you have Medicare Part A or Part B. Check out this map that shows the Medicare Part D opioid prescribing rate in Tennessee for the year of 2014 at the zipcode level.

For further information regarding opioids click here.

By Julia Watson

Federal Bureau of Prison Sites- National Loan Repayment Locations 2017

Federal-Bureau-of-PrisonA National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Site is an approved health care facility that provides healthcare to populations residing in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs). Check out this density map which shows the total number of federal bureau of prison sites that are designated as national loan repayment locations. Eligible health care professionals that work at these sites receive a certain amount each year towards their school loans. From the map we see there are highly concentrated areas in the southeast and northeast regions of the country.


By Michael Paul

Age-Adjusted Firearm Mortality By State 2015


Check out this map that shows firearm mortality by state for the year of 2015 per 100,000 total population. From the map we can see a cluster of south states that had rates ranging between 13.51 – 23.50, indicated by the dark brown/brown shading. We can also see some western states such as, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Montana also had a high rate of firearm mortality. In contrast, some states, such as California, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, Road Island, Iowa and Montana had a low mortality rate ranging between 3.00 – 7.50, indicated by the yellow shading.

By Julia Watson

Rate of Self Reported Pesticide Related Illness By State 2014



Today’s map shows the rate of self reported pesticide related illness by state for the year of 2014 per 100,000 person. From the map we can see some states had rates ranging as low as 0.00 to 0.27 indicated by the yellow shading. In contrast some states, such as Alaska, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, New York, Kansas and Virginia had rates as high as 0.87 to 2.56 indicated by the dark blue shading. However, its important to note that because these are self-reported rates the date is subjected to under-reporting. In addition, because these exposures are self-reported both the type of pesticide and the degree of illness associated with the exposure may be mis-classified since the designation by the poison control center for both is based on the description provided by the caller.

According to the CDC farmworkers are among those when are subjected to pesticide exposure. For more information on migrant workers click here.

By Julia Watson

Number of Homes Built Between 1950 and 1979 By County 2000


Check out this map that shows the number of homes built between 1950 and 1979 by county for year 2000. From the map we can see there were many new homes built in counties within the eastern states, such as New York, New Jersey, Road Island, Main  indicated by the darker shading.  There were also many new homes built in counties within some western states, such as California and Arizona. We can see states such as North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana and Kansas had fewer new homes built within the 29 year period indicated by the yellow/yellowish shading. This makes sense because when compared to the previous map of homes built prior to 1950 for the year of 2000 we see these states had a higher percentage of older homes.

By Julia Watson

Domestic Migration Patters of Highly-Educated Workers.

Research by two Iowa State University economists shows there are not enough high-skilled jobs in Iowa to keep qualified people from leaving the state. Researchers found Iowa was competitive in jobs requiring a high school degrees, but lacking in having skilled workers for jobs requiring a bachelors degree. Check out this interesting map which depicts the domestic migration patter of highly educated workers. For more information click here.

By Julia Watson

Percent of Uninsured Living with HIV By County 2014 (Ages 13 and Older)


Check out this map which shows the percent of people living with HIV who were uninsured by county for the year of 2014 ages 13 and older. From the map we can see that a large portion of counties within Hawaii, the north east, and some midwest states had some of the lowest percentages of people with HIV who where uninsured indicated by the yellow shading. In contrast states in the south and west had some of the highest percentages of people living with HIV who were uninsured.  We can see Alaska and Texas were predominantly shaded dark, indicating percentages ranging as high as 19 to 39.

By Julia Watson