New Online Bachelor Degree in GIS and in Health Informatics

The accredited online university American Sentinel University has added new online Bachelor’s degrees in GIS and in Health Informatics, Business Administration specializations in health care management, finance, business informatics and leadership, and a new specialization to its nursing Master’s degree program: infection prevention and control .  The idea is to add curriculum that is relevant to today’s job market.  In the GIS degree, students will learn how to interpret and visualize spatial data (for the purpose of uncovering relationship, patterns, and trends), fundamental business, and information technology skills.  The knowledge of GIS can be effectively helpful to the healthcare field. The Health Informatics degree will train students in information analysis, solution design,  management of data storage, transfer and retrieval in health care environments, all while taking courses that are the foundation for the Certified Health Data Analyst certificate. Utilizing GIS in the health field will can enable emergency response efforts to become more efficient and effective, allow for proper analysis of health disparities, and allow for analysis of areas in need of healthcare and/ or assistance.

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Sources:, American Sentinel University

Christine Irven, VERTICES intern

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