Alabama Forms a Council to Counter Their State’s Opioid Epidemic

During the later half of this decade, Alabama was deemed as having the highest rate of opioid prescribing. As a result, the governor Kay Ivey established the Alabama Opioid Overdose and Addiction Council to head the state’s efforts in reducing opioid abuse. The council is made up of six sub-committees: Data, Prescriber-Dispenser, Rescue (Naloxone), Treatment-Recovery, Prevention-Education, Law Enforcement.

On the last day of 2018, the Alabama Opioid Overdose and addiction council released their annual report, featuring their extensive recommended action plan. The plan has five overarching objectives: prevention, intervention, treatment, community response, and workforce. Out of these, they strongly suggested focusing on the prevention and community efforts initially.

Additionally, this report also identified some treatment and recovery support options. The council promoted the My Smart Dose and Courage for All media campaigns, which deal with misuse education and aid, respectively. The report also mentions a 24-hours-a-day helpline of which the council desires to increase statewide awareness.

Click to access FINAL-Alabama-Opioid-Overdose-and-Addiction-Council-Report-to-Governor-2018-Read-only.pdf